


1) Online Dual-Credit Orientation (this webpage; please read thoroughly)
2) 双学分导向PDF
3) The Catalog 你作为学生和BUF之间有合同吗. 你将负责目录的要求. 请特别注意14-45页、48-71页和76-79页.
4) 学生手册
5) 注册包 and 新生迎新表格 -把你的表格发邮件给Mrs. 斯蒂芬妮·奥尔@ sworr@buf.edu 不迟于学期第一周结束. (或者用邮政邮件寄给Mrs. Stephanie Orr, BUF, 学院道5400号, 格雷斯维尔,佛罗里达州32440)

提交《十大外围足彩网站》和《十大外围足彩网站》 在学期的第一周之前.


The information below will help you learn more about BUF and have an amazing start to your BUF career!

请注意: 所有深蓝色的文字都是"Links,必须点击才能访问所需信息.


您可以在我们的网站上找到宝贵的信息。 http://www.BUF.edu/,例如:


你收到你的 学生的用户名、密码和IDnumber from I.T. 一旦你被学院录取. 这些将通过电子邮件发送到您提供给BCF的个人电子邮件帐户. 不要和别人分享你的密码. Your ID number is a unique 6-digit number and will be used at times when verifying your identity. 将您的登录信息和身份证号保存在安全的地方,以备将来参考. 如果您有任何疑问,请联系招生办800-328-2660, ext. 460, or  admissions@buf.edu如果你刚刚被录取,你的学生邮箱和密码将很快到达.

我们的学习管理系统叫做MyBUF (Jenzabar的电子学习). 您将通过两种方式访问MyBUF:

You must use your 佛罗里达浸会大学 student username and password to log-in to MyBUF and gain access to your personal data. Enter your assigned username in the “User Name" box and your assigned password in the “Password" box and click “Login" or press [enter] on your keyboard.



  • 一旦你登录到 MyBUF,看看左侧栏题为“入门”和“学生导航”的页面.这些将帮助你浏览MyBUF.
  • 关于导航MyBUF的教程可以在“入门”中找到.”
  • IT 110 N将提供关于如何使用MyBUF的更具体的培训. 你将在BUF的第一个学期学习IT 110 N.


  • 您将收到一个BUF电子邮件帐户. 所有与学院的通信都将通过您的BUF帐户进行. 你有责任定期检查. 在BUF网站的顶部找到电子邮件链接. You will use your assigned BUF email address as your username and your assigned password as the password.
  • 设置好你的邮箱后, You may be required to set up or complete 2-factor verification (a text message with a 6-digit code or a phone call in which you press # ).
  • 有关设置您的BUF电子邮件的更多信息,您可以访问 here.


  • 双学分学生不能获得经济援助.
  • 学生必须在每学期开始上课前支付75%的费用. 其余25%的余额将在45个日历日后到期.
  • Students that fail to make the required initial payments will be dropped from classes at the end of the Drop/Add period.
  • 您可以支付:
    • Online
    • Check
    • 信用卡-致电BUF (800-328-2660)
      • 按“0”为大学总机,并要求商务办公室



  • 图书可以通过BUF的网上书店购买: logo电子图书. 学生也可以从其他零售商那里购买.
  • You can also view your textbooks on the registration module after completing a search for classes and on your student schedule after registering. 点击+号.
  • 注册后尽快订购图书,以确保您及时获得图书. 请记得预留装运时间.
  • If you need help ordering textbooks please contact 贝丝·安德鲁斯|教务处行政助理 deandrews@buf.edu 或800-328-2660分机. 414.


  • The BUF Library should be your first choice for all of your academic research needs and is fully available to online students.
  • 所有BUF学生都可以获得广泛的资源. 这些资源包括:
    • 打印和电子材料准备结帐
      • 乐谱,主题-百科全书 & 字典,有趣的小说,dvd,文学评论,评论, & 教师教育类书籍
    • 24/7按需数据库,提供学术研究资料
    • WorldCat 24/7查看全球可用资源
      • 文章和书籍的馆际互借服务
  • For more information, please visit the Library tab on your myBUF portal or 给图书管理员发邮件 at 给图书管理员发邮件 或致电800-328-2660转449.
  • 请注意:资料邮寄费用由图书馆承担. 返回邮资是学生的责任.


You should have received an email from our IT department with your student username and password and a computer usage policy. 请务必签署本保险单并将其交回:


可以找到该策略 here.


  • 好消息! 作为一名BUF学生,您现在拥有一个Microsoft Office 365教育帐户. On MyBUF,在页面左侧的快速链接下寻找“BUF Office 365”链接. 使用您的BUF电子邮件和密码登录并查看.
  • Your account provides you with unlimited cloud storage and the Microsoft Office Suite web version as well as the full version of the programs (Word, Excel, 演示文稿, Outlook, OneNote, Access, 出版商, etc.),最多可在5部个人电脑及10部智能手机上免费下载, ipad和/或平板电脑,只要你有一个活跃的BUF电子邮件地址.
  • 如果您没有最新版本的Microsoft Office, it is highly recommended you download and install the *free* Office suite using your account, 以避免学生在使用旧版本的微软Office时遇到的问题.
  • An Office 365 account linked to your BUF email address will be necessary for viewing lectures and some other materials. If you receive a message saying you do not have access to a lecture or other material in a course, make sure that the Office 365 account tied to your BUF email address is the active account. 联系LMS教师助理寻求帮助.


  • BUF的课堂和在线课程都需要使用电脑.
  • 为了取得学术上的成功,学生至少必须精通以下领域:
    • 文档处理:创建, editing, 格式化, saving, 用微软Word(或类似的文字处理软件)打印文档.
    • Internet:访问Internet, 使用搜索引擎, 在网站内导航, 撰写和发送电子邮件通信.
  • Students who do not meet these computer proficiency requirements for university courses should take IT 101. 第一学期的计算机入门课程.
  • Students who have concerns about meeting the proficiency requirements or need to improve their computer skills should enroll in IT 202. 信息技术应用课程.
    • If necessary, the professor of IT 202 will direct students to IT 101 N during the drop/add period.
  • Students taking their first BUF online course are required to take IT 110 N (Orientation to Online Learning) to prepare students for navigating the Learning Management System and for successful online learning practices.
  • Additional computer skills will be required for some courses that are online or have online components.
    • 这些课程包括, 但不限于, 与演讲或音乐相关的在线课程.


  • 为了工作成功, 佛罗里达浸会大学 students must have up-to-date computer hardware and software.
  • 所有的课程, 在线和课堂, 包含一些使用电子学习的在线组件, Jenzabar的LMS(学习管理系统).
  • 学生应:
    • 接收电子邮件
    • 查找信息
    • 完成并提交作业
  • Having the needed computer hardware and software, or access to it, is the student’s responsibility.
    • 需要的物品在目录中有说明.
    • 电话等工具, tablets, 而chromebook并不足以完成所有的工作.


  • 在线课程的参与会被跟踪,这对你作为一名学生的成功至关重要. 你必须每周参加,并在课程中保持活跃.
  • 参与的衡量标准是:
    • 提交论坛帖子或回复
    • 提交测验或测试
    • 提交任何可评分的作业
    • 就具体课程与教授进行个人、电话或电子邮件联系.
  • 如果您变得不活跃,您将通过电子邮件和电话收到通知.
  • 不运动可能导致课程失败.


  • 抄袭是不能容忍的.
  • 根据《十大外围足彩网站》(Van Rys et.al., 2018, p. 434), 剽窃的定义是, 用别人的话说, ideas, 或者图片(所谓的知识产权),这样它们看起来是你自己的. 当你抄袭时, you use source material – whether published in print or online – without acknowledging the source.”
  • 在本质上, plagiarism is using any type of intellectual work—intentionally or unintentionally—as one’s own creative thought or work.
  • The most common form of plagiarism is when a student reproduces or submits another person’s words or sentences as his or her own without citing the original author.
  • 即使歌词被改了,不是一字不差, 如果上下文和单词结构的思想保持不变, 这仍然构成了剽窃.
  • 所有的研究——无论是引用还是释义——都必须被引用(脚注和参考书目)。.
  • 抄袭也可能包括自我抄袭:也就是说, when a student submits for course credit a version of his or her work that has been submitted for a previous class or assignment without explicit permission from the course professor.


  • University policy includes three steps or levels of discipline for plagiarism during a student’s academic career. First offense: reduction of the student’s grade on the assignment by a justifiable amount based on the offense and the student’s intent; second offense: failure of the student for the course; third offense: failure for the course and referral to the Executive Vice-President of Academic Affairs for disciplinary action.


佛罗里达浸会大学 is required to provide reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities who have submitted appropriate documentation of the disability to the Executive Vice-President of Academic Affairs. Students who need special accommodations should contact the Academic Affairs office prior to or at the beginning of the semester. The  Executive Vice-President of Academic Affairs will then inform the professor of each of the student’s courses of the needed accommodations. Then, the student should contact each professor to discuss the implementation of the accommodations. 看水流 学生手册、残疾学生.


Dr. 罗宾·跳普|学术事务执行副总裁
800-328-2660 Ext. 425


800-328-2660 ext. 414

  Maegan Erp | LMS Faculty Assistant; Online Program Contact
  mjerp@buf.edu or lms@buf.edu 
  800-328-2660 Ext. 429






Andy Davis | LMS Faculty Assistant; Online Program Contact  

adavis@buf.edu or lms@buf.edu   

800-328-2660 Ext. 540  




Hugo Garcia |  LMS Faculty Assistant; Online Program Contact; Attendance Clerk
hagarcia@buf.edu or lms@6679shop.com
800-328-2660 Ext. 523



800.328.2660 ext. 454



  800.328.2660 ext. 408